hey, I'm dr. meg 👊🏽
I have a Ph.D. in Computational Bioscience, a B.S. in Computer Science, and design is my favorite way to solve product problems. My approach to design is called Design Science -- my design solutions are data-driven hypotheses that I use the scientific method to investigate, test, iterate and validate through user research.
Design Science 101
My talk on Design Science at Disco Conf 2022.
Twitter Schema Builder
Twitter web-based internal tool for context-aware Twitter Knowledge Graph schema building
Twitter Interest Browser
Twitter web-based internal tool for large network exploration and analysis at scale
Twitter HITL Curation
human-centered product design and experimental research for trend curation at Twitter
Twitter SafeScroll
protecting Twitter users' digital wellbeing with SafeScroll
Overstock.com Bundles
research & design for product bundle feature
webapp for human-in-the-loop interactive machine learning
webapp for machine learning backed viral video exploration
tool for setting up building multi-channel analytics for high-volume streaming data